Kish Parella Appointed to European Corporate Governance Institute as Research Member
Jay Margalus receives VIVA Open Adopt Grant
Mark Drumbl Launches New Books in Stockholm, The Hague, Cambridge, and Prague
Brandon Hasbrouck Publishes “Insurrection and Black Political Participation” in the California Law Review
Shane Lynch Named Lead Instructor for International Choral Conducting Course
Suzette Malveaux’s Scholarship Cited in Justice Department Report
Andi Coulter publishes book on the band AFI
Sarah Haan Publishes “Corporate Governance Speech” in the Seattle University Law Review
Kish Parella Publishes “Corporate Governance & International Law” in the Alabama Law Review
Josh Williamson Receives the VATA College/University Athletic Trainer of the Year Award
W&L Law Faculty Present, Honored at AALS
W&L Equestrian Coach Inducted into Virginia Horse Shows Association Hall of Fame